torek, 14. junij 2011

Jeffrey Campbell Crush

For some time already I am looking around this akward and weird but at the same time most awesome and beautiful shoes ever... Jeffrey Campbell 'Lita' boots...  My mouth drops down every time I see some girl wearing them. But unfortunately at the moment I can't bring myself to shell out so much money for shoes... :S Buuut I can dream, right !?.. :)

And JC 'Foxy' sandals are also to die for.. ohh.. im in love :)

Hmm maybe if I start put money on the side... (biiig maybe!) till Christmas they are mine :P
What do you guys think about Jeffrey Campbell shoes? I personally love all of them!!!

2 komentarja:

  1. evo meni su stigle moje jucer , tako sam odusevlejna s njima, i jedva cekam da se otopi snijeg da ih nosim. da to su cipele u koje se jednostavno zaljubis. ja sam ih narucila iz USA da prodem jeftinie,ali dobro i prosla jesam jer ovde u becu ih ni nema u tim bojama, samo crne. i sretno u skupljanju para, i ja sam skupljala :)

  2. jaaaooo i ja ih obozavam,ali nazalost za sada ne mogu da ih priustim sebi jedan par.U pocetku su mi bila ruzne,ali sada ih obozavam :)



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